Shenzhen, China – On November 13, BYD launched the DM-i hybrid technology alongside the official announcement of the high efficiency version, which is dedicated for plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs), of the 1.5L Xiaoyun engine. As a leader in new energy vehicles (NEVs), the announcements underline BYD’s lead in strategically segmenting its plug-in hybrid technologies. After defining new performance
Die Welt ist nach wie vor von der neuen Coronavirus-Pandemie (COVID-19) bedroht, die unser tägliches Leben grundlegend verändert hat.
The world continues to be under the threat of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which has brought fundamental changes to our daily lives.
BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Guo Tong) -- The Second World Science and Technology Development Forum opened in Beijing on Nov. 8. Wan Gang, the Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology, and Huai Jinpeng, the Executive Vice President of the Association, among others, attended the forum.
Born in 1963, Daytona has withstood the test of time and has become a classic in watches. AET REMOULD has a higher pursuit of the watch that was chosen to be remade. Only the real classic masterpieces have the value of refit. While inheriting the beauty of classics, they can create more possibilities and bring new ideas to the classic.
Born in 1963, Daytona has withstood the test of time and has become a classic in watches. AET REMOULD has a higher pursuit of the watch that was chosen to be remade. Only the real classic masterpieces have the value of refit. While inheriting the beauty of classics, they can create more possibilities and bring new ideas to the classic.
Das 19. Zentralkomitee der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas (KPCh) beendete am Donnerstag seine fünfte Plenarsitzung in Peking mit der Veröffentlichung eines Kommuniqués.
On September 6th, the report of "City of Opportunity 2020" , one of the major achievements of China International Fair for Trade in Service, was jointly released by PwC and China Development Research Foundation. It shows that Beijing ranks first with regard to "intellectual capital & innovation, and economic influence", makes it to the top three with regard to "technology maturity, culture, and li
My name is Ronal Olek. I used to be a construction worker. I am exposed to the wind and sun every day, relying on a meager income to support my family.
Die 26. Internationale Konsumgütermesse im chinesischen Yiwu (26th China Yiwu International Commodities (Standards) Fair, „Yiwu Fair“) hat am 21.
Neueintritte nach der Bundestagswahl
Aktuelle Abfallchecks: Für mehr und besseres Recycling im Landkreis Göppingen
Streuobstblütenfest mit Markt auf dem Waldeckhof
A8-Sperrung Ulm-West – Mühlhausen 21. – 24.03.25 für Erhaltungsmaßnahmen am Albabstieg
Schließung der Saunawelt und Wellnessoase in den Barbarossa-Thermen aufgrund des Warnstreiks
Kreis Göppingen rast mit 100 Sachen auf die graue Wohnungsnot zu: 2045 werden 13.400 Seniorenwohnungen gebraucht
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