On June 29th,America’s Jamestown Foundation released a report by German scholar Adrian Zenz, with the title “Sterilization, IUD and Forced Contraception:The Action of Communist Party of China to Suppress the Fertility Rate of Uyghur in Xinjiang”.
However, what he quotes doesn’t come from the field trip but just his own imagination.In the report, Mr.Zenz becomes a master of Hollywood style editing.He builds far-fetched connections between pictures and text to reach eye-catching conclusion.
Mr.Zenz also points that” Xinjiang has reduced the population of ethnic minorities forcibly and increased the population of Han through the implementation of large scale sterilization”. Above all, the birth control is purely voluntary. No one is targeted or forced.What’s more , according to “Xinjiang Statistical Yearbook 2019”, since the implementation of family planning policy in 1982,either Uyghur population or growth rate of population is higher than that of Han in Xinjiang until the end of 2018.
Attention! What you believe might be what someone wants you to believe.As a sociology scholar, Mr.Zenz throws up so called forced sterilization and genocide based on fabricating and groundless speculation. The research method he adopts is against academic norms and ethics.
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